Our Basing Changes – Coming June 1st

So a little over a week ago I discussed how changes were coming to our painting levels, and how this might affect the prices we charge and services we offer. Another of those posts is needed to cover changes to our Basing services.

– Basing is going to switch from the traditional Level 1 and 2, instead to Gaming, Advanced and Precast.


Gaming Bases

These are the bases we are most commonly asked to make. A simple rocky barrens base with small pebbles, rocks and a little grass. This is the standard for those who want to get right into gaming with something simple and affordable.

These will be our cheapest offering, at £1 per figure for 25-32mm infantry, and scaling up for larger miniatures.


Gaming 4Gaming 5


Advanced Bases

This is going to be where we offer something more complex and custom made. Advanced bases will incorporate various extra materials such as cork, slate, water effects and modelling putties, to make something a little more appealing. Effects like snow, lava or rivers of blood are very possible.

By comparison with Gaming bases, for basic infantry these will be £2 per mini, and scale with size.

Advanced 10Advanced 5

Advanced 2 Advanced 3 Advanced 7

Precast Bases

Rather self explanitory, this category will be for third party manufactured resin bases or for those miniatures that come with complex ornamental bases, such as Forge World’s Horus Heresy primarch miniatures. We will be recommending a range of bases by Micro Art Studios among others. When the website is revamped we will have a section displaying a variety of examples from their ranges.

Pricing will be set at £3 a mini for basic infantry, but will scale with complexity. These bases are rather like painting a second miniature all by themselves.

Precast 7 Precast 6 Precast 8 Precast 9

Very shortly I’ll publish a post with a pricing chart for our rebalanced service costs that will include all the above.

See you all soon,
