Our Painting Levels Are Changing – Coming June 1st

Hey all, Matt here at RNP.

In my last post, I talked over how we’re planning some changes to the way we do business, both through our services and the way we offer them. It’s time for some details. Sam, Peter, Darron and myself have had some long discussions and we’ve hammered out a few for you to peruse. Today, I’m going to begin with a discussion of how our painting services will change.

Now, to begin, a disclaimer: A great deal of this is subject to tweaking and change. Feedback is very welcome. Mail us at [email protected] if you want to give us some thoughts.


Painting Level Changes

– Levels 1, 2 and 3 are going to be replaced with a new system, namely ‘Horde’, ‘High Tabletop’ and ‘Display’


‘Horde’ will only apply to the basic infantry category.

It’s designed to fulfill the role Level 1 was intended for, which is to provide a simple affordable paintjob for units that are about viewing the horde, not the individual. Too often we’ve been asked to quote level 1 for detailed elite or character units. The choice has repeatedly been to either put more time in that we’re paid to under level 1 to get them looking reasonable, or to allow the miniature to feel unfinished. We don’t consider either satisfactory, and it’s high time for a change.

Horde will provide the well known industry standard of a neat several colour basecoat, and simple recessing via washes. Highlighting will be simple drybrushing and a few more direct highlights over the most prominent surfaces to complete. This will make a perfect appearance for legions of skeletons, zombies, warhammer 40k tyranid gaunts or imperial guardsment, and bolt action infantry to name but a few examples.

At present, we’re aiming for Horde to have a price point range of £4-5 per miniature based on complexity.


‘High Tabletop’ is our old Level 2, and will be our primary standard of work (as level 2 always has been).

As you’ve come to expect from level 2, this will involve a full neat basecoat, including all detail items (eg. pouches, sidearms, backpacks) in appropriate colours, and individual targetted washes for all areas, followed by careful edge highlighting, and finished off with decal application where appropriate. Detail work will include items like eyes, insignia, small lights and the like.

Pricing will be very similar to current level 2 standards. RNP has always worked to provide high quality painting at affordable prices and that will continue, inflation be damned.


‘Display’ is our old Level 3.

Everything from High Tabletop, but also careful airbrush highlights and effects such as glows, wet blended brushwork creating colour gradients, and every possible detail given attention to ensure the model gives a pleasing appearance when viewed closely. Finally, weathering items can be included under this standard to add a little rust, grime, soot and the like.


Pricing will remain almost unchanged from the old level 3 standards.


Over the next week, I’ll be creating a pricing chart to display how we see our rebalanced services, so expect another blog entry shortly to give you a view of that, followed by more detailing various of the new changes we’re planning, from alterations to our basing services to us working on creating deals for larger projects to include freebies and special items!

As mentioned above, if you have any comments, please let us know at [email protected]

Watch this space!






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