Hey everyone, Matt here from Raven’s Nest.
We would like to make an announcement about COVID-19.
Firstly, thank you for your patience this past week. It has been difficult for us all to process the many challenges that we have all faced. I’m now clearing through a short backlog of quotes and email as quickly as I can.
As to our team. We all work from home and are all following government advice.
However, in the event we fall ill we will follow government guidelines and advice which will result in a delay to your commission of 10 days.
We also anticipate additional wait time and issues with the postal service in the coming weeks which will effect delivery
Additionally, various model retailers and other related supply stores have now shut down operations. As a result, some projects – especially new requests – may see some unavoidable additional queue time, but we’ll do our best to keep that to a minimum.
Other than that, we’re still handling quotes and accepting new work. Current clients will be kept up to date frequently as we work through your projects.
On behalf of the Raven’s Nest team, I thankyou for your patience and goodwill, and wish you and your families safety and good health.
Stay safe